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Vehicular Jihad Like Attack in France Lawful Under Sharia

Last night, a Muslim jihadi drove a truck into a crowd at the Bastille Day celebrations (July 14th) in Nice, France killing nearly 80 people and wounding scores of others. Where would a Muslim come to believe that such behavior is acceptable in Islam? The better question is “Where would a Muslim learn such behavior […]

UTT Testifies About Jihadi Threat at Senate Hearing

UTT’s Chris Gaubatz testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday before a U.S. Senate hearing on the use of the term “Radical Islam” in discussing the terrorism threat to the United States. Mr. Gaubatz set the stage with laying out the threat America faces from the Global Islamic Movement: “UTT is the only organization in America which […]

Officials Reveal America’s National Security is “Controlled” by the Jihadists

Two former U.S. government officials made explosive revelations on national radio this past Friday including the charge the U.S. government is a “tool” for the jihadi movement here, and that the driving force behind America’s domestic counter-terrorism strategies and our foreign policy is the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). President Obama with Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas leader (Islamic Society […]

Orlando Attack Is Nothing Compared to What Is Coming

A jihadi named Omar Mateen armed with a rifle, a handgun and possibly explosives – who has been identified as an “ISIS soldier” – killed 50 or more Americans on Sunday morning at a night club in Orlando, Florida.  The largest single loss of life in such an incident in American history. Thank God for the […]

CAIR’s Violent Assault on Free Speech

What does CAIR have in common with ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban? It is a terrorist organization which hates and violently opposes Free Speech. Like ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban, CAIR is a jihadi organization.   It is Hamas in the United States. Don’t let the suits fool you.         […]

America’s Security Facade

Travelers waiting in long lines at Seattle’s SEATAC Airport Travelers using U.S. airports are familiar with long lines due to TSA checkpoints, and recent reports indicate lines will get longer in the near future because of new TSA screening procedures, fewer TSA officers and other related issues. Yet, America is no safer since 9/11 because […]

Losing the War at the Local Level

The war in which we are engaged, and not engaged, against the jihadis here in the United States is a very different kind of war than most Americans are accustomed.  In this war, battles are lost at local town councils, in the media and school classrooms, and, sometimes, in state legislatures. So it is with […]

The Jihadi Network in America

Time Magazine blames “Islamophobia” for America’s ills.  Congressman John Conyers says the House bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” is Islamophobic because, according to Conyers, “Since swearing off violence in the 1950s, the Brotherhood has become a predominantly non-violent religious, political, and social service organization.”  The Speaker of the House Paul […]

Where is the Mystical “Peaceful” Version of Islam Taught?

American and European leaders tell us that Islam is a “wonderful” “religion” which teaches peace and love among all peoples.  Officials often quote the Koran in order to demonstrate the truth of this narrative.  Yet, the question remains:  Where do MUSLIMS teach other MUSLIMS that Islam requires them to love all other people in the […]