France Strikes ISIS Targets in Syria But Not In Paris
After Friday night’s attack in Paris by Muslim jihadis, French military airstrikes hit ISIS targets in Syria, yet left the jihadi network inside of France intact. For approximately 40 minutes on Friday night, beginning at 9:20 PM local time in Paris, eight (8) Muslim jihadis conducted numerous assaults across the city. Explosions at the Stadium […]
Officials Find “No Motive” for UC Student Stabbings – But Are Sure Its Not “Terrorism”
On Thursday, 18 year old Faisal Mohammad stabbed several students at the University of California at Merced before being shot to death by police. University officials and investigators have discounted any possible political or religious motivations behind the attack. From the Mercer Sun-Star: The UC Merced student who stabbed four people during a campus rampage “intended […]
The Convergence of Threats
Police officers are being targeted for assassination; there are an increasing number of jihadi attacks across the world; tens of thousands of Christians are being slaughtered by Muslims in Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere; a flood of refugees from hostile countries are being forced on local townships across America as a part of federal […]
One Thing Americans Cannot be Thankful for This Year
As Americans begin preparations for our annual celebration of Thanksgiving to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon our great nation, one thing we will find difficult to thank Him for is strong and principled leaders in Washington—none can be found anywhere in our government. Over the past couple days, news of a […]