UTT Throwback Thursday: TSA Surrenders to Terrorists
In January 2010, Hamas (doing business as CAIR) complained new TSA security procedures would alienate Muslims. The complaints stemmed from TSA’s announcement it would strengthen security measures and give extra scrutiny to travelers entering the U.S. from Cuba, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen. Seems reasonable […]
In This War Minnesota’s Twin Cities Are Lost
After spending all of last week in Minnesota, UTT’s professional assessment of the enemy situation is this: the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota – known as the “Twin Cities” – are in enemy-held territory. They are, at least for the time being, lost – meaning, they are under the control of a collaborative […]
UTT Puts Freedom on the Offensive Where It Belongs
UTT (Understanding the Threat) is the only organization in the nation which provides law enforcement agencies a detailed understanding of the threat from the Global Islamic Movement, investigative techniques to identify and locate jihadi organizations and jihadis (“terrorists”), and UTT is the only organization providing state and local leaders strategies to dismantle the jihadi networks […]
Finding Truth Among Talking Heads in the Media
by John D. Guandolo Many of the questions UTT gets these days revolve around our thoughts on various talking heads who seems to “get it” about the Islamic threat. Often times the questioners are disappointed to hear the truth UTT shares with them about the person whom they were inquiring. It is important at this […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Ground Zero Mosque Swindler Feisal Rauf
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is an Islamic scholar who continues to pass himself off as a “moderate Muslim” yet he refuses to condemn the terrorist group Hamas, blames U.S. policies for 9/11, advocates for sharia in America, is a “key figure” in Perdana Global, the largest funder of the flotilla that tried to break the blockade […]
CAIR Has Always Been Hamas
The Council on American Islamic Relations was created in 1994 by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee which is Hamas in America. CAIR is Hamas. [See the UTT document entitled “CAIR is Hamas” HERE.] Hamas is a designated Foreign Terrorist organization by the U.S. government and CAIR is a designated terrorist organization by our allies, […]
Throwback Thursday: 2004 – MB Archives Discovered 10 Minutes from Nation’s Capital
On August 20, 2004, Ismail Elbarasse and his family were traveling on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland. A law enforcement officer driving on the Bay Bridge at the time drove passed Elbarasse and noticed the middle eastern female passenger filming the support structures of the bridge. She pulled the camera down quickly when she noticed […]
Islamic Movement in U.S. Preparing for Battle
For UTT followers who are accustomed to brief articles, this is a longer article because it needs to be. This is an important topic and needs a little more attention. Please read this carefully because the implications are significant. JG As UTT has continually reported, there exists in the United States a significant jihadi movement […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: John McCain Awards ISIS Leader & Iranian-Born Muslim Takes Over FBI WMD Program
This kind of crazy stuff only happens at the highest levels of the United States government. In different decades people would call it “Treason,” but in today’s world…nothing. Here is today’s UTT Throwback Thursday. A look back at some news that matters in this war. John McCain Loves Him Some ISIS US Senators Richard Blumenthal […]
UTT Historical Throwback: Al Qaeda’s Abdurahman Alamoudi Advised Two U.S. Presidents
Abdurahman Alamoudi was considered the “pillar of the Muslim community” in Washington, D.C. Abdurahman Alamoudi created and/or led nearly two dozen of the largest Islamic organizations in North America, was a “Good Will Ambassador” for the U.S. Department of State, created the Muslim Chaplain program for the Department of Defense, worked with the Department of […]