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UTT’s 2017 Top 12 Events of the War

2017 proved to be a year with many key events in the war against the Islamic and Marxist Counter-States. Today UTT brings you our Top 12 picks for most impacting events in this war as we see it.  The following is a snapshot of each event. For a more detailed review of each, please listen […]

2013: Robert Mueller Unaware Islamic Society of Boston Founded by Al Qaeda

In the spring of 2013, then-Director of the FBI, Robert Mueller III, testified before the U.S. Congress he was not aware the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) – attended by Boston Marathon bombers (Tsarnaevs) – was founded by Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi. Abdurahman Alamoudi is a Muslim Brother, a Hamas operative, and […]

MPAC’s Key Role in Defining the Language in This War

Even before the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) went to the White House under President Obama to purge training documents, the MB’s Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) made great strides to eliminate language from the U.S. National Security discussion that specifically identifies the enemy. 100% of our Islamic enemy states they are muslims waging jihad to establish […]

President Trump Should Go With His Gut

By all accounts, President Trump’s gut instincts are far superior to the “knowledge” of his advisors when it comes to the Islamic threat. In deciding about Afghanistan, the President stated in his August 2017 speech:  “My original instinct was to pull out. And historically, I like following my instincts.” In the end, his generals convinced […]

US Leaders Again Fail to Protect Citizens – Muslim Kills 8 in NYC

Today in New York City, a muslim jihadi plowed a truck into people killing 8 and injuring approximately 11 others. He did not do it because he doesn’t have a good job or because he lacks education or because of Israel or because of the lack of McDonald’s in his home country. He did not […]

Billy Vaughn Joins the UTT Team

UTT (Understanding the Threat) is pleased and honored to announce the addition of Billy Vaughn to our team. Billy Vaughn was born and raised in West Tennessee and moved to Florida in 1998. He is the Gold Star father of fallen Navy SEAL Team VI Special Warfare Operations Chief Aaron Carson Vaughn. Aaron Carson Vaughn […]

The Impact of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Efforts on the Las Vegas Investigation

How bizarre and unprofessional can the investigation into the Las Vegas attack get? How has years of Muslim Brotherhood propaganda and its ability to shut down training on Islam inside the U.S. government impacted investigative efforts by the FBI and local/state law enforcement? News coverage on the event – the “deadliest mass shooting in U.S. […]

Special Report: What is the Most Viable Assessment of the Las Vegas Attack?

  Five days after the largest shooting attack in American history, U.S. leaders are no closer to identifying the motive of the perpetrator of this tragedy.  Yet, our government assures us this is not connected to “international terrorism.” With regards to the current situation as it stands right now, the facts as we know them […]

Illogically Choosing Friends & Allies in This War

If the Bonnano crime family (mafia) initiated a turf war against the Gambino family in New York, does that mean the Gambino crime family is a friend to the New York Police Department? If the Islamic State publicly condemns the Muslim Brotherhood, does that mean the Muslim Brotherhood is a “friend” of the United States? […]

On This September 11th UTT Calls on American Leaders to Do Their Duty

It has been 16 years since 19 jihadis from Saudi Arabia flew airplanes into the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and tried to reach the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. but failed because of the heroic efforts of American citizens. Since that day, America has fought and lost two wars […]