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The Best Weapon in This War is Truth

by John D. Guandolo The Marxist/Communist Counter-State in America, just like its Islamic Counter-State ally, uses deception as a key tool in achieving its goal to overthrow the U.S. government. The democrat party is a major piece of the Marxist/Communist Counter-State. Despite its lies that it cares about the “common man,” the democrat party is […]

America’s Department of Defense Moves Against the President

by John D. Guandolo When history records the details of the Marxist-Islamic revolution in America, people will be astounded at the number of military generals and republicans who stood with America’s enemies against the President of the United States. From the time he became the Republican nominee for President, Donald J. Trump came under assault […]

Communist Insurrection

by John D. Guandolo The violence across America over the last few days does not represent a “hijacked peaceful protest.” This was and continues to be a synchronized, organized, and well coordinated nationwide violent assault against American cities by communists and jihadis working together to bring down the Republic. The communists in Antifa and Black […]

Minneapolis Collapses Into Chaos & Violence

by John D. Guandolo When communists and jihadis rule in America, the natural progression leads to exactly what we are seeing in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This is the outcome UTT predicted in the Twin Cities. See our 2016 article here. This week, after a black man died while in police custody, violent communist organizations like Antifa, […]

Al Qaeda’s Saudi Military Officer Reminds Us of How Broken U.S. NatSec Is

by John D. Guandolo Yesterday (May 18, 2020), U.S. Attorney General Barr announced Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, the Saudi military officer who killed three (3) naval personnel and injured eight (8) others during an attack at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola (FL) on December 6, 2019, was an Al Qaeda operative. Definitive information was pulled off […]

Why We Fight

by John D. Guandolo Every day around the world Islamic jihadis are engaged in jihad. The Global Islamic Movement is gaining momentum and, in the United States, leaders the U.S. Islamic Movement work inside the White House and every component of the U.S. government to destroy liberty and impose its barbaric and enslaving sharia on […]

IG’s Report Reveals a Lack of Understanding of the Islamic Threat at FBI

Written by John D. Guandolo The Office of the Inspector General (IG) released their report yesterday entitled, “Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Efforts to Identify Homegrown Violent Extremists through Counterterrorism Assessments,” which is a detailed review of how the FBI is or is not adequately handling “Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVE’s).” According to the […]

The Disinformation Campaign at the Ground Level: Carrollton, Texas

Written by John D. Guandolo FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is hosting a “collaborative FEMA-approved training event” called STRIVE (Strategic, Tactical, and Resilient Interdiction of Violent Extremism) at the Carrollton (TX) Police Department this week (February 11-12) to teach police, community leaders, and government officials how to “prevent terrorism and counter violent extremism (CVE).” Let’s […]

The Islamic Counter-State’s Propaganda Loses When It Meets Truth

Written by John D. Guandolo In the wake of the most recent jihadi attack in Britain, the mother of jihadi Sudesh Amman publicly stated her son “became more religious inside prison.” She almost has it right. The “radicalization” process we see in prisons and communities across the globe is nothing more than muslims becoming more […]

Iran is Already at War with the United States

Written by John D. Guandolo On January 2nd, the United States engaged in military operations in Baghdad, Iraq which killed the leader of the Iranian Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani, as well Iraqi militia and Hizbollah leader in the region Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. The Quds Force is the clandestine and overt military arm of the Iranian […]