JG Blog


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Terrorists in the “Best Small Town in America”

Denton, Texas was ranked the Number 1 “Best Small Town in America” by Rand McNally and USA Today in 2012. Today, Denton and Denton County are home to several terrorist front organizations, including the Islamic Society of Denton. The Islamic Society of Denton was formed in 1980 and opened its doors in the summer of […]

Why Does Hamas/CAIR Fear UTT?

Why would Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) fear a 30 minute presentation by UTT’s President John Guandolo at a small restaurant in a suburb of Dallas, Texas? On Wednesday March 6, 2019, John Guandolo is giving such a presentation and CAIR is working hard to shut it down. Why? […]

Mr. President, Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization…Because It Is!

The following data on the Muslim Brotherhood include portions from the U.S. Senate Bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. See the full bill here. The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s stated objective is to overthrow the U.S. government and establish an Islamic State under sharia in violation of U.S. federal law. Evidence demonstrates the […]

Why Are We Surprised When A Muslim Congresswoman Adheres to Sharia and Hates Jews?

On Monday February 11th, sharia-adherent Congresswoman Ilhan Omar publicly acknowledged her anti-Semitic comments, but stood by her criticisms of Israel. The real question is: “Why is anyone surprised a sharia-adherent muslim hates Jews?” The Koran, which according to Islam contains the uncreated words of Islam’s god Allah, reveals a systemic hatred for Jews. “For them […]

Troops in Syria…Yes or No?

Two days ago the U.S. Senate voted to oppose U.S. military withdrawals from Syria in direct opposition to President Trump’s desire to bring American military forces home. Which position makes more sense and which is better for America’s national security? Understanding the Threat (UTT) asserts it does not matter. President Trump recently tweeted: “Now ISIS […]

The Enemy Strategy Depends on Establishment Republicans

by John D. Guandolo Americans paying attention to the building momentum from enemy forces – nations, groups, or persons levying war against the United States and/or conspiring to undermine America’s founding principles and overthrow the government – see danger ahead. But Americans are having a difficult time making sense of all that is happening and […]

The Primary Role of the Mosque is the Seat of the Islamic Government

“It must be the role of the mosque to guide the public policy of a nation, raise awareness of critical issues, and reveal its enemies. From ancient times the mosque has had a role in urging jihad for the sake of Allah, resisting the enemies of the religion who are invading occupiers. That blessed Intifada […]

10 Years After the HLF Trial U.S. Jihadi Network Still Rolling

In November 2008, the largest terrorism financing trial in American history came to an end in the Northern District of Texas (Dallas) as the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (“HLF”) and its leaders were convicted of sending over $12 million to leaders of the terrorist group Hamas and many of its front organizations […]

1400 Years Later Islam is Still Waging War on the World

Why did 19 muslims attack the United States on 9/11/01?  Why do muslims attack people with knives, cars, planes, vest-bombs, and anything else they can get their hands on today?  According to the Koran, Islam’s prophet Mohammad is the most perfect human being for all muslims for all time, and he commanded muslims fight the […]