As 2017 Begins, UTT Recognized for Its Unique Role in the Counter-Jihad
“We want to encourage you as a leader in the law enforcement community to host a training from UTT (Understanding the Threat) for their 3-day ‘Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Network.’ This is the only training program for law enforcement in the nation which actually gives officers ways to proactively find terrorists in their communities, […]
Heroic Kansas Legislator Prepares for Next Assignment in the War
Representative Peggy Mast (76th District), the Speaker Pro Tem of the Kansas State House, is retiring after nearly 20 years of service to her state and the nation. In the opinion of UTT, Representative Mast understood the threat from the Islamic Movement sooner and demonstrated boldness and tenacity on issues relating to the Islamic threat […]
MB/Hamas Orgs in Chicago Using Interfaith Outreach to Surveil Churches
After UTT published it’s article yesterday (12/19/16) revealing Muslims are conducting pre-operation surveillance in American churches, UTT was contacted by law enforcement, intelligence sources and others. From these discussions it was revealed that members of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) are using interfaith outreach with Christian churches and Jewish synagogues for […]
Muslims Targeting U.S. Churches
St. Peter & Paul Chapel in Cairo Bombed by Muslims in November 2016 killing 25 Christians In the shadow of the savage killing of a priest by muslims during Mass in Normandy, France (July 2016) and the bombing of St. Peter and St. Paul chapel – a part of St. Mark’s Coptic church in Cairo, Egypt – four weeks […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Jihadi Killed By FBI During Raid of Detroit Mosque
Luqman Ameen Abdullah was on the board of the Muslim Brotherhood’s MANA (Muslim Alliance in North America) led by jihadi Siraj Wahhaj. MANA’s Executive Committee includes leading Muslim Brothers Ihsan Bagby, Altaf Hussein, Johari Abdul Malik, and others. Abdullah was also the Imam of the Masjid Al-Haqq and a leader of a group called the “Ummah,” a brotherhood […]
Are Mosques Muslim “Churches?”
“But is the mosque only for prayers? No. The mosque is the center for all Islamic activity as it used to be in the mosques of the Prophet in Medina. In these mosques, not only prayers took, place, but it was a school of knowledge where companions used to study the Quran and ask questions. […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: General Petraeus Wages Civilization Jihad
This week the Federalist published a scathing article about General Petraeus raising questions about his criminal actions by mishandling classified information, the possibility he is an agent of foreign powers – namely the Islamic governments of Saudi Arabia and UAE, as well as Kazakhstan – and that he favors silencing Americans’ right to free speech over […]
As Muslim Jihadi Strikes OSU, Media Drives the Deception Operation
UTT readers know, this war in which we are engaged with the Islamic Movement in the United States is primarily an Information War. A Muslim refugee from Somalia named Abdul Razak Ali Artan is “scared” to pray so he tries to kill non-Muslims on the Ohio State University (OSU) campus with his vehicle and a knife […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Jihadis, CVE, and Congressman McCaul
The Countering Violent Extremism or CVE is a program created in Britain by the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic jihadi organization whose stated goals in their by-laws are to “Fight the tyrants and enemies of Allah” in order to establish an Islamic State under sharia (Islamic Law). In North America they do […]
Jihadi Lovers Have No Place in a Trump Administration
Senator Bob Corker and Congressmen Mike Rogers and Mike McCaul have no business holding any position in a Trump administration if Mr. Trump actually wants to defeat the Jihadi Movement in the United States. All three of these men have records of defending jihadis and lashing out at those who speak truth about the real threat from […]