Mall Security & Police Enforce Sharia in Minneapolis
In Bloomington, Minnesota – Hennepin County – sharia is being enforced by police and mall security at the Mall of America. To UTT followers, this is not surprising. This time, however, a Christian pastor was arrested and told he was “Not permitted to discuss religion in the Mall.” Welcome to Minneapolistan. Pastor Ramin Parsa The pastor, […]
Islamic Operatives Use Soviet Tactics to Target Conservatives
The Islamic Movement in the United States manifests primarily as an espionage and counterintelligence threat, not merely as a “terrorist” threat. When operatives in the Islamic Movement meet with police chiefs, elected officials, FBI Directors, business leaders, Pastors, Rabbis and others, they portray themselves as friendly, but they are working to recruit and use them, […]
Did Jihadis Just Execute a Bombing Operation at a CA Mall?
Evidence reveals jihadis attempted to bomb the Los Cerritos Center in California this past weekend. This is one more in a string of numerous incidents across the United States indicating an increase in willingness by jihadis to use violence to silence those who speak truth about Islam. Recently UTT has reported: Some local police work […]
Jihadis Work to Disarm Free People and Arm Themselves
The right to keep and bear arms is a right that “existed prior to the formation of the new government under the Constitution.” [U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, US v Heller] The right to keep and bear arms exists with or without a U.S. Constitution and with or without a […]
UTT Continues to Answer the Critics
Because of the significant support and attention UTT received from this past Tuesday’s article entitled “UTT Answers the Critics” we are re-publishing a video from UTT’s YouTube Channel in which UTT President John Guandolo refutes the lies from an Imam who also happens to be a State Legislator from Iowa. We hope this video […]
UTT Answers the Critics
Many jihadi and Marxist organizations frequently publish overtly defamatory and false comments about Understanding the Threat (UTT) and its President John Guandolo. UTT would like to inject some truth into this situation. The following is a list of the common attacks UTT endures, followed by UTT’s responses: “Guandolo has made a career out of…promoting ludicrous Islamophobic conspiracy theories.” […]
The Atlantic Magazine Joins a Long Line of Media Elites Supporting Jihad & Sharia
When the President’s National Security Advisor chose the new Chief of Staff for the National Security Council, the media elites immediately launched attacks to destroy the good name and reputation of the man designated for that position – Fred Fleitz. National Security Advisor John Bolton with the new NSC Chief of Staff Fred Fleitz Fred […]
Speaking Truth Boldly is the Best Response to the Islamic Threat
Propaganda is, by definition, intentionally used to manipulate and control, making it antithetical to liberty. The Islamic Movement uses its “Islamophobia” campaign as a hammer to impose the Islamic Law of Slander on the non-muslim world. Slander is legally defined in Islam as saying anything about Islam that muslims would “dislike,” and is a capital […]
What to Make of Muslim Republican Congressional Candidate Omar Qudrat
One of the candidates for California’s 52nd Congressional District is Omar Qudrat. Qudrat is a muslim running as a Republican who states he is against Islamic law (sharia). U.S. Congressional Candidate for California’s 52nd District Omar Qudrat (R) Qudrat said, “Radical Islamic terrorism is a real threat to our nation…That includes organizations that hold themselves […]
FBI Director Testimony Reveals Need for Radically Different Strategy to Defeat Jihadis
“We have about 1,000 investigations into exactly the kind of people you’re describing, covering all 50 states as I’m sitting here right now. And that’s not even counting, you know, the al-Qaeda investigations, the traditional ISIS investigations, the domestic terrorism investigations…” FBI Director Christopher Wray, May 16, 2018 The FBI Director testified last week […]