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UTT Throwback Thursday: Leaders Unable to Tell Friend from Foe

One lesson the recent debacle in Sioux Falls brought to center stage is that many leaders cannot discern friend from foe in the war against the Islamic Movement.  This exposes Americans to greater danger each day. Here are a few examples:       Abdurabman Alamoudi was the most prominent Islamic leader in the United States […]

Threat Assessment in the Domestic War

An objective review of the activities of the Islamic Movement in the United States, the response from US law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and the actions of local, state and federal leaders reveals the U.S. is closer to losing the war domestically than at any point in time since 9/11/2001. Enemy Forces The leading Muslim […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: Flynn, The Shadow Government & America’s Second Civil War

Today’s UTT Throwback Thursday looks all the way back to…Monday, when UTT identified the threat of the Shadow Government and the penetration of America’s national security and governmental decision-making apparatus by jihadi, hard-left/Marxist, and other enemies. The resignation of General Michael Flynn is another salvo in America’s Second Civil War, which is now underway in […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: Will the Present Remain the Past?

Stephen Coughlin arguably understands the enemy threat doctrine and how our enemy operates strategically better than anyone else in America. In 2008, Coughlin – an attorney with an expertise in international law and a Major in the U.S. Army (reserves) specializing in intelligence and strategic communications – was called to the Pentagon after 9/11 and […]

Where is Suit-Wearing Jihadi Suhail Khan Today?

Prolific suit-wearing jihadi Suhail Khan was in the White House on 9/11.  After officials discovered his father was a prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader, he was moved out, but found himself back in the fold in a relatively short amount of time, serving two Secretaries of Transportation in the Bush administration. This gave Suhail Khan a […]

Jihadi Lovers Have No Place in a Trump Administration

Senator Bob Corker and Congressmen Mike Rogers and Mike McCaul have no business holding any position in a Trump administration if Mr. Trump actually wants to defeat the Jihadi Movement in the United States. All three of these men have records of defending jihadis and lashing out at those who speak truth about the real threat from […]