UTT Throwback Thursday: Virginia – From Jefferson to Jihad Loving
The home of Thomas Jefferson is under assault again – this time it is by Virginia’s leaders who are more concerned with being liked by America’s enemies than with doing their duty in their official capacities, and Muslim leaders who lie about their true intentions. From the Fairfax County Police Chief Edwin Roessler – who […]
Skirt-Wearing Jihadi Sherifa Zuhur Exemplifies the Battle Ahead for America
UTT had an interesting exchange on twitter this weekend with Sherifa Zuhur, an apologist for America’s enemies – specifically, terrorist organizations. Amid the social upheaval in response to President Trump’s travel ban from seven Islamic countries, fomented by the hard left Marxist/socialist groups and their anti-American counterparts – jihadi groups like Hamas (doing business as […]
Propaganda THEN and NOW
On January 5, 1919 Germany’s National Socialist Party (NAZI) formed as the German Farmers’ Party. When the Nazi party took over power in Germany in 1933, Adolf Hitler created the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment under the rule of Joseph Goebbels. The Nazi’s ability to turn public opinion through its control of the media, […]
Islamic Doctrine Same as ISIS
The oldest and most prestigious school of Islamic jurisprudence is Al Azhar University, founded in Egypt in approximately 970 AD. Al Azhar and its leadership continue to affirm “Jihad,” which it defines as war-fighting against unbelievers (non-Muslims), is obligatory until the world is under Islamic rule. Oddly enough, this is exactly what Al Qaeda, ISIS, […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Treasonous Leadership Decisions by Ohio Officials Have Deadly Consequences
Ohio is reaping what it has sown. They have protected and promoted jihadis for several years. In 2009, the Ohio Department of Homeland Security hosted a day-long seminar which included senior Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood officials, including Hani Sakr, a member of the U.S. MB’s Board of Directors, and the leader of Hamas in Ohio, Asma Uddin. […]
As Muslim Jihadi Strikes OSU, Media Drives the Deception Operation
UTT readers know, this war in which we are engaged with the Islamic Movement in the United States is primarily an Information War. A Muslim refugee from Somalia named Abdul Razak Ali Artan is “scared” to pray so he tries to kill non-Muslims on the Ohio State University (OSU) campus with his vehicle and a knife […]
The Space Between Truth and Fantasy is Where The Enemy Wins
Are there two versions of Islam? Is there radical Islamism which is bad and regular old Islam which is good? For today’s brief but critical lesson, this is what is absolutely important for readers to digest and understand: the space between (1) the truth about what Islam is and what it teaches and (2) whatever […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Jihadis, CVE, and Congressman McCaul
The Countering Violent Extremism or CVE is a program created in Britain by the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic jihadi organization whose stated goals in their by-laws are to “Fight the tyrants and enemies of Allah” in order to establish an Islamic State under sharia (Islamic Law). In North America they do […]
Jihadi Lovers Have No Place in a Trump Administration
Senator Bob Corker and Congressmen Mike Rogers and Mike McCaul have no business holding any position in a Trump administration if Mr. Trump actually wants to defeat the Jihadi Movement in the United States. All three of these men have records of defending jihadis and lashing out at those who speak truth about the real threat from […]
The Duty to Vote
“We electors have an important constitutional power placed in our hands; Let us examine, then, with a sober, a manly . . . and a Christian spirit; let us neglect all party [loyalty] and advert to facts; let us believe no man to be infallible or impeccable in government any more than in religion; take […]