Does the U.S. Agreement with the Taliban Matter Since the U.S. Lost the War in Afghanistan in 2004?
Written by John D. Guandolo One hundred percent (100%) of Islamic jihadis fighting the United States say they are fighting for an Islamic State (caliphate) ruled by “Allah’s divine law”/sharia. The Taliban is no exception. The Taliban states the reason they fight the Americans in Afghanistan is because foreigners in muslim lands must be removed […]
The Islamic Counter-State’s Propaganda Loses When It Meets Truth
Written by John D. Guandolo In the wake of the most recent jihadi attack in Britain, the mother of jihadi Sudesh Amman publicly stated her son “became more religious inside prison.” She almost has it right. The “radicalization” process we see in prisons and communities across the globe is nothing more than muslims becoming more […]
Why Are We Surprised When A Muslim Congresswoman Adheres to Sharia and Hates Jews?
On Monday February 11th, sharia-adherent Congresswoman Ilhan Omar publicly acknowledged her anti-Semitic comments, but stood by her criticisms of Israel. The real question is: “Why is anyone surprised a sharia-adherent muslim hates Jews?” The Koran, which according to Islam contains the uncreated words of Islam’s god Allah, reveals a systemic hatred for Jews. “For them […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: US Already Apologizing to the Enemy in Afghanistan – Again
Southern Poverty Law Center Operates as a Terrorist Support Arm in the Counter-State
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a U.S. based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that claims to “battle racial and social injustice” in America, yet SPLC’s words and actions reveal it is a terrorist support organization which actively works to accelerate the Islamic and hard-left Counter-States in their goal of overthrowing the United States government. As […]
How Can US Leaders NOT Know About Islam?
When Understanding the Threat (UTT) conducts its 3-day “Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Network” two things are always true at the end of the course: (1) the attendees tell us none of them – including FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force agents/officers – were aware of the information presented prior to attending the course, and (2) […]
Civilization Jihad at the Ground Level in Southern California
Speaking truth about the danger Islam poses to civilized society is improper social etiquette in many parts of America these days – especially among America’s elites. Yet a few dare to do it. Understanding the Threat (UTT) certainly does. The folks at the Counter Jihad Coalition in Southern California are also unafraid to speak truth […]
Threat to Homeland High – Negotiation Not the Solution
Famed terrorist Carlos the Jackal said: “Only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States.” In September 2015, UTT published a brief article entitled The Convergence of Threats which illuminates the marriage between the U.S. Islamic Movement and the hard-left Marxists. Today, this marriage moves ever closer to is objective of overthrowing the U.S. […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Leaders Unable to Tell Friend from Foe
One lesson the recent debacle in Sioux Falls brought to center stage is that many leaders cannot discern friend from foe in the war against the Islamic Movement. This exposes Americans to greater danger each day. Here are a few examples: Abdurabman Alamoudi was the most prominent Islamic leader in the United States […]