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CAIR Has Always Been Hamas

The Council on American Islamic Relations was created in 1994 by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee which is Hamas in America. CAIR is Hamas.  [See the UTT document entitled “CAIR is Hamas” HERE.] Hamas is a designated Foreign Terrorist organization by the U.S. government and CAIR is a designated terrorist organization by our allies, […]

Hamas Teaches Its Followers How to Shut Down UTT Law Enforcement Training

On August 21, 2016, Hamas (dba CAIR) conducted a briefing in Longwood, Florida led by Hamas leader Hassan Shibly (Director of CAIR Florida).  The briefing was focused on the “anti-Muslim network in the United States” and how to keep truthful information (“Islamophobia” according to them) from reaching local and state law enforcement. (L to R) […]

UTT Testifies About Jihadi Threat at Senate Hearing

UTT’s Chris Gaubatz testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday before a U.S. Senate hearing on the use of the term “Radical Islam” in discussing the terrorism threat to the United States. Mr. Gaubatz set the stage with laying out the threat America faces from the Global Islamic Movement: “UTT is the only organization in America which […]