Explaining the Threat
It is apparent through polling data, social media traffic, and a variety of reporting that tens of millions of Americans understand there is something fundamentally wrong with Islam. However, some people who do have some understanding of the threat do not do a good job explaining why this matters to average Americans and why […]
Will 2018 Mid-Term Elections Bring the Reckoning ?
Today, Tuesday November 6, 2018, is election day across America, and there is much at stake. Will this day be the beginning of the true reckoning to hold accountable those guilty of sedition, treason, and plotting to overthrow the government of the United States? While it may exciting for some to read Tony Shaffer’s tweet […]
Americans Will Win This War In the Shadows of the Heroes of Flight 93
On 9/11/2001, the U.S. Government failed to protect America, and Islamic jihadis flew planes into two World Trade Center buildings in New York (American Airlines flight 11 and United Airlines flight 175) and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia (American Airlines flight 77) killing nearly 3,000 people. But on United Airlines flight 93, average […]
U.S. Generals Refuse to Identify Islam as the Threat = Another Dead Soldier
It is September 2018 and nowhere in the U.S. military – not at any boot camp, nor officer training, nor war college, nor service academy, nor at any other training inside the U.S. military – are our warriors being taught Islam is the threat and sharia is the enemy’s warfighting doctrine. U.S. warfighting doctrine requires […]
Jihadi Training Camps Have Been in America for 40 Years
The discovery of a “terrorist training camp” in New Mexico run by Siraj Wahhaj Jr., whose father was a character witness for the Blind Sheikh and an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, should not come as a surprise to anyone. It is logical that a jihadi would raise a jihadi son. […]
Islamic Operatives Use Soviet Tactics to Target Conservatives
The Islamic Movement in the United States manifests primarily as an espionage and counterintelligence threat, not merely as a “terrorist” threat. When operatives in the Islamic Movement meet with police chiefs, elected officials, FBI Directors, business leaders, Pastors, Rabbis and others, they portray themselves as friendly, but they are working to recruit and use them, […]
Will President Trump Prosecute Terrorist Group CAIR & Those Supporting It?
We at Understanding the Threat (UTT) speak the truth – using facts and evidence – about real threats facing our communities here in the United States. Here is a fact: The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a Hamas organization. Here is another fact: Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. Here is another fact: […]
UTT’s 2017 Top 12 Events of the War
2017 proved to be a year with many key events in the war against the Islamic and Marxist Counter-States. Today UTT brings you our Top 12 picks for most impacting events in this war as we see it. The following is a snapshot of each event. For a more detailed review of each, please listen […]
US Leaders Again Fail to Protect Citizens – Muslim Kills 8 in NYC
Today in New York City, a muslim jihadi plowed a truck into people killing 8 and injuring approximately 11 others. He did not do it because he doesn’t have a good job or because he lacks education or because of Israel or because of the lack of McDonald’s in his home country. He did not […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: What is the Purpose of a Mosque?
Hamas’ Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, VA (USA) The Koran says Islam’s prophet Mohammad is a “beautiful pattern of conduct” (33:21) and an “exalted standard of character” (68:4). Therefore, the purpose of a mosque is based on the example of Mohammad. Mohammad used the mosque as the seat of Islamic government where […]