The Best Weapon in This War is Truth
by John D. Guandolo The Marxist/Communist Counter-State in America, just like its Islamic Counter-State ally, uses deception as a key tool in achieving its goal to overthrow the U.S. government. The democrat party is a major piece of the Marxist/Communist Counter-State. Despite its lies that it cares about the “common man,” the democrat party is […]
War Update
by John D. Guandolo Things in this war are moving quickly right now and our enemies are out maneuvering the police, military, and federal agencies. Truthfully, its not even a contest. Our government at the local, state, and federal level is an embarrassment. This article is meant to help the reader put everything happening on […]
Minneapolis Collapses Into Chaos & Violence
by John D. Guandolo When communists and jihadis rule in America, the natural progression leads to exactly what we are seeing in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This is the outcome UTT predicted in the Twin Cities. See our 2016 article here. This week, after a black man died while in police custody, violent communist organizations like Antifa, […]
Impeachment Vote is Part of a Coup Not a “Political Charade”
Written by John D. Guandolo The U.S. House of Representatives voted last night (12/18/19) to impeach President Trump for “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress.” Only democrats voted to impeach the President. The group of Congressman voting “nay” was bipartisan with all republicans and two democrats, Jefferson Van Drew (D-New Jersy) and Collin Peterson […]
Why Does Hamas/CAIR Fear UTT?
Why would Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) fear a 30 minute presentation by UTT’s President John Guandolo at a small restaurant in a suburb of Dallas, Texas? On Wednesday March 6, 2019, John Guandolo is giving such a presentation and CAIR is working hard to shut it down. Why? […]
Mr. President, Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization…Because It Is!
The following data on the Muslim Brotherhood include portions from the U.S. Senate Bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. See the full bill here. The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s stated objective is to overthrow the U.S. government and establish an Islamic State under sharia in violation of U.S. federal law. Evidence demonstrates the […]
Will 2018 Mid-Term Elections Bring the Reckoning ?
Today, Tuesday November 6, 2018, is election day across America, and there is much at stake. Will this day be the beginning of the true reckoning to hold accountable those guilty of sedition, treason, and plotting to overthrow the government of the United States? While it may exciting for some to read Tony Shaffer’s tweet […]
Kavanaugh Hearing Highlights Dangerous Marxist/Jihadist Counter-State Operations
The ongoing assault on Justice Brett Kavanaugh highlights a concerted and dangerous intentional effort by the Marxist and Islamic counter-states operating inside the U.S. like dueling cancers to destroy us from within. Protester from Kavanaugh Hearing being paid off by her Marxist handler An agitator from the Marxist/George Soros funded Code Pink (a group that […]
One Year After Worst Shooting in U.S. History Police Have “No Motive” & Suspect is Walking Free
On October 1, 2017, 58 people were killed and 851 wounded in the worst shooting attack in American history. The Islamic State said they were going to attack Las Vegas and claimed responsibility for the attack after it happened. The FBI and the Las Vegas Sheriff still claim they have “no idea” what the motive […]
The Battle is Joined As America’s Quiet Civil War Comes to a Head
Congresswoman Maxine Waters has again openly threatened President Donald Trump as America’s Second Civil War appears to be coming to a decisive head. Speaking at a public event Congresswoman Waters said, “There are those who say, ‘What if we get rid of him? Then we’ve got that Vice President and he’ll be worse.’ I say […]