UTT Throwback Thursday: Attacks on UTT Intensify, But Have Less Effect
In the summer of 2014, UTT scheduled a one-day training program for law enforcement in the Phoenix, Arizona area hosted by the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office (MCAO). The program was designed to teach police officers and investigators about the Islamic Movement in the United States and Arizona, and provide them with tools to help them […]
Sharia Commands Muslims To Lie To Non-Muslims
KORAN 98:6 The Koran says non-Muslims are the worst of all creatures (98:6), so it should be no surprise the Koran and the Sunna (example of the Islamic prophet Mohammad) allow and oblige Muslims to lie to non-Muslims. All authoritative Islamic law (sharia) obliges jihad until the world is under Islamic rule. Therefore, when Muslim […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Will the Present Remain the Past?
Stephen Coughlin arguably understands the enemy threat doctrine and how our enemy operates strategically better than anyone else in America. In 2008, Coughlin – an attorney with an expertise in international law and a Major in the U.S. Army (reserves) specializing in intelligence and strategic communications – was called to the Pentagon after 9/11 and […]
Propaganda THEN and NOW
On January 5, 1919 Germany’s National Socialist Party (NAZI) formed as the German Farmers’ Party. When the Nazi party took over power in Germany in 1933, Adolf Hitler created the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment under the rule of Joseph Goebbels. The Nazi’s ability to turn public opinion through its control of the media, […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: General Petraeus Wages Civilization Jihad
This week the Federalist published a scathing article about General Petraeus raising questions about his criminal actions by mishandling classified information, the possibility he is an agent of foreign powers – namely the Islamic governments of Saudi Arabia and UAE, as well as Kazakhstan – and that he favors silencing Americans’ right to free speech over […]
Oklahoma Beheading Case Another Example Judges and Attorneys Resistant to Linking Barbaric Behavior to Islam
How many Muslims who kill in the name of Allah have to profess their loyalty to the teachings of Islam in open court before judges and attorneys realize Islam mandates violence according to sharia (Islamic Law)? On September 24, 2014, Alton Nolen, a Muslim, sliced the neck of Colleen Hufford – a former co-worker at […]
One Message for the Americans, One Message for the Muslims
How is it that nearly fifteen (15) years after 9/11 none (ie ZERO) of the Islamic advisors to the United States government have shared with our leaders the Quranic concept of abrogation, the definition of “jihad” in sharia (Islamic Law), or the fact sharia obliges jihad until the entire world is under sharia? It is because sharia […]
Where is the Mystical “Peaceful” Version of Islam Taught?
American and European leaders tell us that Islam is a “wonderful” “religion” which teaches peace and love among all peoples. Officials often quote the Koran in order to demonstrate the truth of this narrative. Yet, the question remains: Where do MUSLIMS teach other MUSLIMS that Islam requires them to love all other people in the […]
What Happens When a Muslim Dies?
Why are so many Muslims motivated to fight and die as martyrs/shaheeds in Islam? According to Islamic doctrine, when a Muslim dies for any reason – car crash, heart attack, old age – his body is washed, shrouded, prayed over, and buried in accordance with Sharia (Islamic Law). Specific details of how the body is […]
If You Don’t Know Abrogation You Don’t Know Sharia
One of the facets of sharia (Islamic Law) that turns the light bulb on in people’s minds more than anything else seems to be the moment they grasp the Koranic concept of abrogation and progressive revelation. Islam teaches that Allah (the god of Islam) revealed Islam to mankind throughout history progressively. Allah revealed the Law […]