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“Moreover, from its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists.”

United States of America v Sabri Benkahla, 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, No 07-4778


“Attempt to understand Islamic movements in the area, and start supporting Islamic groups including Mr. bin Laden and his associates”

CAIR’s Proposed Muslim Platform for 2004 dated 3/08/04



“Shortly after Hamas was founded in 1987, as an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood, Govt. Exh. 21-61, the International Muslim Brotherhood ordered the Muslim Brotherhood chapters throughout the world to create Palestine Committees, who job it was to support Hamas…The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood created the U.S. Palestine Committee, which documents reflect was initially comprised of three organizations:  the OLF (HLF), the IAP, and the UASR.  CAIR was later added to these organizations…The mandate of these organizations, per the International Muslim Brotherhood, was to support Hamas.”

U.S. Gov’t’s Response to ISNA/NAIT’s Motion to be Removed from HLF Unindicted Co-Conspirator List

[Author’s Note:  IAP, UASR, and HLF were all Hamas organizations]


“As of the date of this response, the Court has entered into evidence a wide array of testimonial and documentary evidence expressly linking CAIR and its founders to HLF and its principals; the Islamic Association for Palestine and its principals; the Palestine Committee in the United States, headed by Hamas official Musa abu Marzook; and the greater HAMAS-affiliated conspiracy.”

U.S. Gov’t’s Response to CAIR’s Motion to be Removed from HLF Unindicted Co-Conspirator List


“The Government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, and NAIT with HLF, the Islamic Association for Palestine (“IAP”) and with Hamas.”

Federal Judge Jorge Solis (Presiding Judge in US v HLF) Ruling CAIR, ISNA, and NAIT all remain on HLF Unindicted Co-Conspirator List


“As you know, CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development in the United States v. Holy Land Foundation et al.  During that trial, evidence was introduced that demonstrated a relationship among CAIR, individual CAIR founders and the Palestine Committee.  Evidence was also introduced that demonstrated a relationship between the Palestine Committee and HAMAS, which was designated as a terrorist organization in 1995.  In light of that evidence, the FBI suspended all formal contacts between CAIR and the FBI.”

Letter from FBI Assistant Director for Congressional Affairs Richard Powers to Senator Jon Kyl (AZ)


CAIR is Hamas.  See UTT document listing key evidence HERE.

What can YOU do?

  1. Share UTT’s CAIR is Hamas document with your local media, law enforcement, churches, civic groups, local elected officials, schools, businesses, hotels, etc.  This way when speakers come to your town to share the truth about the Islamic Movement and CAIR tries to shut it down, the community already knows CAIR is a part of the terrorist organization Hamas.
  2. Bring UTT to your local schools, churches, civic organizations to share the truth and evidence about the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Movement here in the United States.
  3. Encourage your police and sheriff’s office to host UTT’s 3-day “Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Network” in your community.

9 Responses


    Islam’s unambiguous declaration of war* on Western civilization (dated 22 May 1991) was serendipitously seized from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia in 2004, by Special Agents of the FBI in compliance with a federal search warrant.

    Yet, not withstanding: the passage of 26.65 years; the intervening 9/11 attacks by sharia-adherent Muslim-jihadist savages (which claimed 2777 lives); the only presidential-interregnum gap in American history (2008-2016) which occurred due to usurpation involving false pretenses, counterfeiting, perjury and Congressional oversight-malfeasance; and the construction of 3100 Saudi-Arabian funded (80%) Mosque arsenals wherein “death to the American infidels” is the consistent essence of the chant of the day, all the U.S. Senate has contextually managed to do, is establish a “committee” under the reckless purview of a nepotistic perverted misfit which has effectively initiated a destructive coup d’état involving the morale & in-house (where it belongs) disciplinary regimen of the United States Marine Corps at the behest of collusive garden-variety feminist agitators, and to the treasonous detriment of national security and the lives of individual male Marines; I.e., the finest fighting men in the world.

    Furthermore, for our government to have allowed said body of political opportunists to compel General Officers of the United States Marine Corps, not to mention the Corps Commandant as well, to sit like chastened school boys in the presence of said garrulous frauds and their “fake news” novelist scribes, was a national disgrace which should be commemorated for all time with black ribbons on the lapels of the respective committee’s members so the American people, particularly their constituents, will know who they are. God bless America, and God bless the United States Marines (MALE & FEMALE) without whom we’d be kneeling to Allah and living in a draconian hell known as sharia.

    *To secure an Arabic-to-English verbatim translation of said “declaration of war” (for a nominal handling & postage fee) contact: http://www.securefreedom.org and request your copy of: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

    1. My comment is this,; why is everybody afraid to talk about Obama the Muslim? He brought Muslim Brotherhood into Whitehouse. Obama’s brother wore a “religious scarf”, that had in Arabic, DEATH TO ISRAEL. And this was almost immediately after taking office. He strategically Intervenes and Orders Holyland Foundation Trial DROPPED. This Stopped Every Law Enforcement Agency from apprehending The Terrorist Group Muslim Brotherhood. By the way All European Countries LABEL Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group. Lastly ; Why is Everyone Afraid to Plaster Across America’s Billboards, Former President Obama (a Muslim), and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to Overthrow Egyprs Government with the Help of The Muslim Brotherhood! Even Al Jazerrah, EGYPTS Newspaper Warned Egypt What these Evil People Were doing. Judicial Watch has Documents about this. Americans Have to Rise Up, And Demand The Holyland Foundation Trial be Re-Opened Immediately. Islam is a Religious Cult and should be handled like David Koresh in Waco Texas.PERIOD.

  2. Can you please explain why the U.S. Justice Dept., Defense Dept., FBI, & CIA have not demanded CAIR by outlawed in the USA?

    1. Muslim brotherhood has been cleverly disguised, as an professional organization innocuous, non political, offering solutions and to our government in the war against Islamic terror and has successfully deceived these organizations to view Islam as a tolerant, peaceful religion to get cover of religious protection when is striving to bring sharia law into the U.S.. it works to create other organizations to build a support system to infiltrate and subvert with disinformation campaign and get control of the assets and attain power. It occurred due to the ability by the MB to get our government to dismiss the accurate information about Islam and sharia which forbids exposing the goal the support of terror, padded with money and deception, with organized eruptions and protests take place whenever the smoke screen loses it’s concealment that the Quran is the catalyst and root of terrorism that views all non muslims as the enemy, all borders non existent the world as their caliphate aided by the left propaganda and hatred and purging of all adjectives that would pinpoint the problem to come.In my opinion.

  3. United States Government needs two Muslims Turned Christians. Their names Shahram Hadian from TIL Project. Second Usama Dagdak who speaks fluent Arabic, from The Straightway.org. These two men have tried to Warn about Islam around the Country, and are now being blocked by CAIR from Hotel Meetings. This CAIR does by threatening Hotels with PROTESTS and Adverse Publicity. ANYTHING to BLOCK Americans from Learning the Truth About Islam and CAIR.

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