In the last several years, thousands of Christians have been killed by Muslims.
Anyone with eyes to see has witnessed Christians being crucified, beheaded, and stoned to death for a number of crimes under Sharia (Islamic Law), as have Muslims who violate the Sharia. At some point, reality must strike you in the face.
But reality seems to be hard to grasp for some Christian leaders in Arizona. For them, being completely disconnected from reality appears to be a way of life.
A group of Christians representing several denominations joined the terrorists of Hamas (doing business as CAIR) and the progressives at the ACLU to denounce the UTT Training last Friday for over 300 prosecutors, police, and other law enforcement officials in Tempe, Arizona.
As it always does, UTT presented facts already in evidence and the law enforcement folks understood it and now know it to be true. Maybe some church leaders ought to discuss this with men and women who actually deal with the threat (law enforcement) instead of talking TO the organizations which constitute the threat (CAIR, MAS, etc).
Below is a letter sent by the Christian leaders with UTT comments in orange. It should be noted that the leadership of the Catholic diocese who originally signed the letter, withdrew their support against UTT and the training after they read the rebuttal and FACTS articulated by the Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery as to the truth of the threats in Arizona.
At a time when there is more than enough division and misunderstanding between faith communities, we ask the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office to not fan the flames.
Perhaps we should ask our Muslim “brothers” to stop beheading Christians around the world in North/Central/East Africa, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, and elsewhere – some consider that “devisive.”
We are not naïve to the very real threat of terrorist organizations, who speak in the name of religion. Anyone who uses their religious tradition to threaten the welfare of others, and uses violence in the name of God, desecrates the very religious tradition they feign to represent.
100% of Islamic doctrine (including 1st grade text books in America) state that Islam is “a complete way of life (social, cultural, military, political, and religious) governed by Sharia (Islamic Law). 100% of all published Islamic Law in the world since the 10th century mandates jihad until the world is under the rule of Islamic Law. 100% of all published Islamic Law only defines “jihad” as warfare against non-Muslims. There is no such thing as an Islam that is not that. The fact their are individuals who self-identify as Muslim and do not follow the Sharia is fine. That does not change the doctrine. Since this is taught at nearly all of the Islamic Schools in the world, is what Al Azhar teaches (the most pre-eminent school of Islamic jurisprudence in the world), is agreed upon by all of the Grand Muftis in the world, we are asked by the Arizona Christian leaders to believe the vast majority of the Muslim world is teaching the wrong version of Islam.
As spiritual leaders, representing multiple faith traditions, we would respectfully say that the MCAO has used poor judgment by inviting John Guandolo and his “Understanding the Threat” associates to speak to law-enforcement personnel in Maricopa County.
UTT argues that since all of the law enforcement that attended the training stated they did not know the information presented prior to the class and admitted the information is critical to keeping the people of Arizona safe, this is a misguided opinion.
Mr. Guandolo has a well-publicized history of making inaccurate, biased and inflammatory statements regarding Islam, promoting racial and religious stereotypes and utilizing blatant anti-Muslim rhetoric. In his trainings, Mr. Guandolo falsely claims “it is a permanent command in Islam for Muslims to hate and despise Jews and Christians.” As brothers and sisters of the three Abrahamic faiths, we will not stand idly by while one of our siblings is being painted with the brush of intolerance and hatred.
1. Mr. Guandolo will offer any of the below listed “Christian” leaders $1,000 if they can demonstrate one statement made by him regarding the threat from the Islamic Movement in America, Sharia (Islamic Law), or the broader global Islamic Movement that is not factually true.
2. 100% of Islamic scholars agree that Sura 5 of the Koran is the last to discuss relations with non-Muslims and 5:51 abrogates all that came before. “O ye who believe. Take not the Jews and Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other; and he amongst you that turns to them is of them. Verily God guideth not a people unjust.” The most authoritative Islamic scholars, specifically Tafsir Ibn Kathir state the meaning of this verse is evident and is a permanent obligation for all Muslims.
3. Apparently our “Christian” leaders are not aware that in Scripture, God proclaims the people of Israel his “chosen” ones. 100% of Islamic teachings (doctrine) states Jesus (the Muslim Prophet) will return to earth, cast all Christians into hell for not converting to Islam and holocaust all of the Jews. Between “Chosen people” and holocaust the Jews, there is a Grand Canyon size disconnect in logic. The most authoritative Haddith scholar, Bukhari, whose writings the Islamic world considers to be just below the level of the Quran states: “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, Son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizyah. Then there will be abundance of money and no one will accept charitable gifts.”
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 34, No. 425)
4. When Jesus said “Love thy Enemy” there is the inherent command to KNOW thy enemy. Allowing a wolf into the meadow with the sheep because the wolf tells you he is a squirrel is not “loving Christian behavior.” It is foolish and dangerous to the flock.
We stand with the leadership of the Arizona Muslim community and the American Civil Liberties Union in urging the Maricopa County’s Attorney’s Office to cancel all sessions of “Understanding the Threat.” This is a time to seek common ground, bringing together the best of our faith traditions.
Where is common ground between “Fight and slay the unbeliever wherever you find them and lie and wait for them in every stratagem of war,” (Sura 9:5) and “Love thy neighbor” (Jesus of Nazareth)?
When you stand with the ACLU and the “Arizona Muslim Community” it should be noted that you are standing primarily with Hamas (doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations or “CAIR”), the Muslim American Society (Muslim Brotherhood), and the Islamic Centers of Tempe and Phoenix (whose property is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood via the North American Islamic Trust or NAIT). Ignorance and passivity are not Christian virtues. Jesus was bold, loving and courageous in the face of those who would harm his flock. You may want to start focusing on him and not appeasing the enemy.
– Rev. John C. Dorhauer, Phoenix, (United Church of Christ, Southwest Conference) / 602-374-7677
– Bishop Robert Tsugio Hoshibata, Phoenix, (United Methodist Church, Southwest Conference) / (602) 266-6956
– Rabbi John A. Linder, Paradise Valley (Temple Solel) / 480-991-7414
– Bishop Kirk Stevan Smith, Phoenix, (Episcopal Diocese of Arizona) / (602) 254-0976
– Bishop Steve Talmage, Phoenix, (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Grand Canyon Synod) / 602-957-3223

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
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