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National Review Author Andrew McCarthy Praises “Raising a Jihadi Generation”

Raising a Jihadi Generation Book CoverAndrew McCarthyFormer federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, one of America’s most respected commentators on U.S. National Security, expressed high praise for John Guandolo’s new book, Raising a Jihadi Generation. As a prolific author, and one of nation’s foremost authorities on the global jihadi threat, McCarthy’s endorsement is significant.

While an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York (1993-1996), Mr. McCarthy led the prosecution against Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman (a.k.a. the “Blind Sheikh”) and members of his organization, in which a dozen jihadis were convicted of urban terrorism that included the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and a plot to bomb New York City landmarks. Mr. McCarthy has also made major contributions to the prosecutions of the bombers of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the Millennium plot to attack Los Angeles International Airport. McCarthy’s role in some of the most prominent terrorism cases in American history and the 9/11 investigation, attest to his extensive knowledge and understanding of the jihadi threat.

Calling Raising a Jihadi Generation “a must read for all Americans,” McCarthy gushed with high praise for the book writing, “While Raising a Jihadi Generation is geared toward government agents, it will prove useful to any American who wants to learn about the threat. An agent who spent an hour reading it would learn more pertinent information than can be gleaned in a hundred of Washington’s preferred sensitivity-training courses.”

Read Andrew McCarthy’s entire article on Raising a Jihadi Generation at National Review Online here.Christmas Shipping DeadlinesAndrew McCarthy is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) in Washington, DC, where he serves as Director of FDD’s Center for Law and Counterterrorism.

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