In the face of public criticism from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Trump Organization shut down an Act for America event scheduled at the President’s Mar a Lago resort in November featuring Michelle Malkin.
If that were the only surrender to the suit-wearing jihadis, it would be bad enough. But it is worse than just a cancelled event.
On September 25, 2019, the Department of Homeland Security and Administration officials hosted an event in the White House entitled “Faith Based Safety and Security Symposium” attended by Vice President Mike Pence and senior DHS officials.

Unfortunately, Oussama Jammal, a man UTT identifies as one of the top two Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the United States, also attended.
Jammal is the Secretary General of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), the Muslim Brotherhood’s mothership in the United States. The USCMO is a conglomerate of Muslim Brotherhood organizations which identifies itself as a “political” entity.

Days before the White House event, Oussama Jammal along with U.S. Hamas Leader Nihad Awad – a man UTT identifies as the General Masul or Leader of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood – met with Turkish President Erdogan in New York.

Understanding the Threat (UTT) assesses Turkish President Erdogan is the likely next Caliph for the global Islamic Movement, and assesses the enemy is in their final stages of preparing to announce the caliphate.
The Administration’s participation with leaders of the hostile Islamic Counter-State like Oussama Jammal reveals a gross lack of understanding of the true nature of the threat, and dangerous surrender to their efforts.
This should be a clear call to all Americans that this war will be won or lost at the local level. Citizens must know and understand the threat from the Islamic Counter-State at the LOCAL level, and force local officials to take actions to dismantle the jihadi networks and keep future networks from being established.
UTT is a leader in the counter-jihad and is the only organization in America giving citizens, police, elected officials and local/state leaders tools to identify and dismantle jihadi networks in local communities.
Reach out to us at

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
16 Responses
Until specific and comprehensive details regarding the make-up and precise purposes of the so-called “Faith Based Safety and Security Symposium” are revealed to the American people in an open give-and-take forum rather than squirreled away in the White House under the auspices of Islam’s point-man, Oussama Jammal, in it’s war* of total annihilation of Western civilization, among an obviously naïve like-minded assembly of contextual government morons attempting to placate the deep-state and Bilderberg war profiteers, the president should personally: show the whole damn bunch of frauds to the door; chastise the Vice President for effectively legitimizing their presence in the “House of the People”; and order the reinstatement of American patriot Michelle Malkin’s Act for America November speaking engagement at Mar a Lago resort.
*Anyone wishing to order for a nominal handling & postage fee a personal verbatim copy of Islam’s May 22, 1991 declaration of war on Western Civilization, as translated from Arabic-to-English following its seizure in 2004 from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia in accordance with a federal search warrant by special agents of the FBI, may do so simply by contacting to request: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.
“Understanding the Threat (UTT) assesses Turkish President Erdogan is the likely next Caliph for the global Islamic Movement, and assesses the enemy is in their final stages of preparing to announce the caliphate.”
John, would you please expound upon how this assessment has been made?
Maybe this will help.
Who in the Trump administration caused this meeting to happen? Is it some religious figurehead who has President Trump’s ear, telling him Islam is a peaceful religion, therefore, let’s invite all religions to the White House for a religious recognition of all faiths? Oddly, many Christians are ignorant of Islam, think Jesus loves all his neighbors. Let’s show everyone how open minded, accommodating, accepting, of Islam the White House is. It’s equivalent to inviting the Armageddon in, equivalent to welcoming jihad. Does the White House support cutting heads off, support taking of slaves, support jihad of thousands of Americans, support marriage to children, support suicide bombings, support the beating of wives, support the booty of rape, support a totalitarian civilization that uses jihad to further Islamic goals?
Hold your friend close, hold your enemies closer. Has anyone contacted Michelle Malkin to find out the real reason for the cancellation? Just curious.
I wish the “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” is what is going on. It is not. The level of ignorance of the true Islamic threat inside this administration is staggering.
I don’t like hearing about this any more than the other two commentators, but given what’s going on in the country right now I don’t see how “not” allowing this could have happened. Any wrong move by President Trump and the left screams bloody murder, and “not” allowing this would have brought the left out from every cesspool and out from under every rock.
But if some so-called “American” is responsible for this, well, that would change everything. I hope UTT will get to the bottom of it and let us know.
The “bottom” of this issue is that this administration is as clueless as the last 3 when it comes to the penetration of their offices by suit-wearing jihadis. They do not see men like Nihad Awad and Oussama Jamal as threatening as jihadis with AK’s over their shoulders. The problem is that the suit-wearing jihadis are MORE dangerous.
The first members of the Islamic Brotherhood Political party to be elected to congress are Ilan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Most of America is in denial that this could be true. Both women meet more with Islamic Brotherhood members than with the Democratic party members. It is one thing to bring a Trojan Horse into a building, it is another thing entirely to elect Trojan Horses into positions that do not have to be security checked when they meet the president and who want the President dead. Both women have said how they admire jihadist martyrs. Would they consider becoming a Martyr to kill President Trump? Ask the Islamic Brotherhood.
The first was Keith Ellison from Minnesota whose seat was taken by Ilhan Omar when Ellison became ATTORNEY GENERAL of Minnesota. Andre Carson of Indiana is also a Muslim Congressman and was the second.
Mad times this. Evil is taking over completely. We are at the closing hours of this age it seems. And it will get UGLY. Just as God has foretold.
The only good that would come out of this meeting, is that if he listened and figured out the BS and got a good look and hopefully some intelligence and decided to pull out of the ME wars. It was crazy, just curious were there different secs of Islamist Muslim Brotherhood that all follow the Quran present?
In the other breaking issue are the Kurds muslim? A query came back over 50% Sunni muslim, muslim fighting muslim ? So this is a Saud war? Now the Muslim Sauds are armed to the teeth.. Neither Turkey nor Sauds are not really a good western ally and the doctrine of Islam was considered irrelevant by democrats and republicans for years that silenced any information the doctrines. I am confused by this issue that has so much criticism for his decision to pull out, which I understand has more woman than men. Turn to you to get an it better understanding…since I am concerned the dangers of Islam doctrine conversions are not seen inside the United States should protect itself, since the last administration of deceit saw no concern and promoted the deception. Just curious. Now Turkey moving on the Kurds, the left press is flipping so the press is using this for bad propaganda against Trump again. I don’t how we stop the spread when two Islamist armies fight each other civilians die and many innocents get killed.
The impeachment craziness is a danger, adding this conference in the White House is very frightening.he has been preoccupied by the left dems. attacks with their the dirty tricks, altering reality and Islamic collusion portrayed as innocuous.
The blind acceptance of the so-called “Religion of Peace” by governmental entities desiring to be politically correct is an abomination. The Islamic Radical Agenda advocates present in our Congress with the questionable election of Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, which is evidence of their intent to penetrate and propagandize the American public with their lies in order to lull the citizenry into acceptance of their actual agenda of “Death to America”, and the creation of a worldwide Islamic Caliphate. Time to wake up and expel these domestic enemies, and preserve the Republic from destruction by these agents of evil.
Michelle Malkin’s Mar-a-Lago Speech is Cancelled, as the Trump Organization Caves to CAIR and ADL
The Trump Organization has caved to the radical left.
#StandWithICE founder Michelle Malkin is no longer scheduled to speak at the annual banquet for ACT for America next month after the Trump Organization reportedly caved to an anti-American left-wing hate campaign against the speaker.
Malkin was originally scheduled to appear at the event scheduled to take place on Nov. 7 at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, FL, but a smear campaign by the fake news and leftist special interest groups has caused the Trump Organization to fold under the pressure and ban Malkin from speaking at the event.
“This event will absolutely not be taking place at Mar-a-Lago,” a spokesperson from the Trump Organization told the New York Times.
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Far-left activist groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have once again shown their power in shutting down conservative events. They have maligned ACT for America, a group that fights to prevent Sharia Law, as an extremist threat for years, and they are reaping the benefits of their propaganda campaign.
It is totally inappropriate that an Islamophobic hate group would be in effect funneling money to the president of the United States by holding an event in one of his properties,” said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director. “This is a group that has been associated with Islamophobia in the worst form for many years and has also been associated with white supremacists and racist groups.”
“ACT purports to advocate for national security and against the threat of radical Islam, but in fact promotes conspiracy theories about all Muslims, including the 3.3 million Muslims living in the United States,” the ADL said.
Malkin, who released a book, “Open Borders Inc.” last month, outlined the motives of her opponents in a Twitter thread following the news that her speaking spot had been revoked.
— and apparently, not even Mar A Lago is a safe space. Here’s the real problem: The @splcenter & @CAIRNational seek to silence & eliminate political opponents by redefining criticism of their agenda & tactics as “hate.” /2
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 7, 2019
Mindless dissemination of false & defamatory labels must end, & I will do everything in my power to stop it–just as many of my friends & allies suing SPLC & CAIR have. I am a lover, not a hater, of my country. /4
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 7, 2019
Guess where I’m NOT banned? Sacramento TOMORROW NIGHT AM1380 event at William Jessup University. See you there! ==> #openbordersinc @Regnery
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 7, 2019
Malkin has taken the lead in rallying people in support of federal border enforcement, during a time in which they are under attack like never before by the radical Left.
“I believe that when you follow the money, you find the truth, and the truth about those full-time professional mob-for-hire grievance-mongers is that they are a very small minority of people working to sabotage our country,” Malkin said during one of her #StandWithICE rallies.
“I challenge fellow Americans to do five times as much as us, 10 times, 100 times, there are no more excuses. I did a speech at CPAC earlier this year, and I burned down the house. This is what we need to do,” she added.
Despite the shameful move by the Trump Organization, Malkin will not be silenced as she continues to educate and galvanize the masses against the influential special interests preventing closed borders and a safer country.