by John D. Guandolo
“The first rule of unrestricted warfare is that there are no rules, with nothing forbidden.”
Qiao Liang, co-author of China’s “Unrestricted Warfare“
On March 26, 2020, Understanding the Threat (UTT) published an article asking the question, “Is Coronavirus a Chinese Biological Attack?”
The evidence in the article points towards the answer, “Yes.”
That same month, former Director of Strategic Planning for the National Security Council Rich Higgins along with Strategic Analyst Stephen Coughlin of Unconstrained Analytics briefed key leaders of the National Security Council with information detailing the preponderance of the evidence points to the reality the Coronavirus was released from the Chinese communist lab in Wuhan.
In the wake of the 2022 FBI report that “Covid” was released from the lab in Wuhan, a leaked classified U.S. Department of Energy report also concludes the virus was released from the lab in Wuhan, China.
Avril Haines, who recently presented at the World Economic Forum, is the U.S. Director of National Intelligence who officially continues to deny the coronavirus was leaked from a Chinese lab.
As reported by UTT 3 years ago, on October 18, 2019, Johns Hopkins hosted a “Pandemic Simulation Exercise” dubbed “Event 201” in which the pandemic involved an outbreak of…coronavirus.
The Johns Hopkins event was primarily funded by the Bloomberg School of Public Health, named after former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg who donated $3 billion to John’s Hopkins. The event was also sponsored by the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
“Prominent individuals from global business, government and public health…tasked with leading the policy response” in this exercise included:
- Sofia Borges, the UN Foundation’s Senior Vice President who serves as the “chief liaison with United Nations leadership and the diplomatic community.”
- George Fu Gao, the Director-General of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and a professor at the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. UTT assesses Mr. Gao is a Chinese agent.
- Avril Haines, President Obama’s Principal National Security Advisor and the Deputy Director of the CIA under Mr. Obama.
Official U.S. policy states the response to a biological attack on the United States is nuclear.
From the Oval office through the Congress and across the federal government, real communists and those doing the bidding for the communist Movement are in place to ensure our adversaries advance at the expense of the liberty and safety of the American people. Here are only a small fraction of the current communist infiltration in the U.S. federal government:
- Joe Biden was first elected with direct support from communist Council for a Livable World, created by the directive of Stalin’s KGB chief. The Council for a Livable World funded campaigns for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Tim Kaine and many other key democrats.
- Vice President Kamala Harris is a communist whose family, friends, and professional colleagues are communist and pro-communist.
- The Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland is a communist.
- Joe Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, who administers the federal banking system – Saule Omarova – is a communist who attended Moscow State University and led the young communist group there.
- Significant evidence reveals it is highly likely the majority leader in the U.S. Senate, Mitch McConnell, is an agent for communist China.
- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Miley publicly stated he would alert the Chinese if the U.S. was going to take military action against them
- Nearly 2 dozen former U.S. Senators and Member of the House now work for organizations under the direct control of the Chinese military and intelligence.
- 65 members of the U.S. House of Representatives are communists, have strong ties to U.S. communist leaders and organizations, and/or have traveled to communist nations to support communist leaders.
- Former President Barack Obama admitted his greatest mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, a communist leader and propagandist in the United States who was under FBI investigation for many years. Obama was also a student of Saul Alinsky, the man who penned Rules for Radicals, a book on Marxist revolutionary ideology dedicated to satan.
- Former FBI Director James Comey publicly admitted he was a communist.
Advancing the objectives of openly hostile regimes, allowing agents of foreign powers to operate in America, subverting the U.S. Constitution to foreign law and rule, and advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government is treason, sedition, conspiracy to overthrow the government and much more.

On both sides of the political aisle, many Members of the U.S. House and Senate continue to demonstrate they are either ignorant of the massive communist Movement in the United States – ask your Congressman/woman if he/she is aware BLM is a Chinese communist organization – OR they are complicit with the adversaries of America.
In either case they are unfit for office and should be tossed out or strung up (charged with TREASON and punished to the fullest extent of the law).

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
6 Responses
Unfortunately for America, being a communist no longer has the reputational stain it once had for the dimwitted useful idiots. The Marxist media will also spin the accusations. Hopefully, the truth will eventually win out.
It’s sad to know so many of my countrymen would chose slavery to freedom, but that seems to be the case. A little curiosity and some critical thinking would bring enlightenment, but alas, the communists have had their way with us over many decades. There used to be laws protecting us from communism and propaganda, but our safeguards have been dismantled. Foreign adversaries and domestic enemies have used every institution against us in an “ideological subversion” (the term used by former KBG Yuri Bezmenov) that rivals the Soviet Union. We are riding the struggle-bus south to our demise and our prospects for winning are not to our advantage. But Americans do have a defiant streak so I continue to keep hope and say prayers and talk to people, and maybe, just maybe, we can right this ship of state. It’s either that, or the thousand years of darkness we’ve heard about.
Thanks John G, as always, for your great work.
John has given us an excellent heads up on the communists in our government. if your interested in more details on the communists in America I recommend an excellent book called White House REDS by Trevor Loudon. He explains how a communist organization financed Biden’s first campaign when he became a US Senator. Amazing information alerting us to the Communists, Socialists and Security risks running for US president.
John et al.,
Communism, Socialisn, etc., is nothing more than a euphemism for control.
Nothing more, nothing less.