JG Blog


What's New?

by John D. Guandolo

The attack on a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas last Saturday again highlights the dangerous truth that the FBI and state authorities across America have done nothing – absolutely nothing – to rip down the terrorist support network in the United States, which is comprised of all of the most prominent Islamic organizations in America, as a matter of fact and evidence.

Despite the fact that nearly all Islamic terrorist attacks inside the United States can be directly tied to support from the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Deobandi (Tabligi Jamaat/Dar ul Uloom), and other partnered Islamic Movements inside America, nothing has been done to systematically take these networks down by the very agencies charged with doing so.

Here are a few examples of jihadi Movements directly supporting terrorist attacks in the United States:

9/11: Islamic Center of San Diego (MB)

Boston Marathon bombing: Islamic Society of Boston (MB)

Orlando Nightclub Attack: Islamic Center of Fort Pierce (Tabligi Jamaat)

Fort Hood Attack: Dar al Hijra Islamic Center (MB)

Chattanooga Attack: Islamic Society of Chattanooga (MB)

San Bernardino: Dar al Uloom al Islamiyyah (Tabligi Jamaat)

Garland, Texas Draw Mohammed Event Attack: Islamic Community Center of Phoenix (MB)

Investigations always end when the perpetrators and individuals involved in the violence of the attack are discovered and arrested. The massive Islamic network in the United States that births, nurtures, and supports these terrorists and their operations are left alone.

As a matter of fact, the leaders of these organizations are the exclusive advisors to the FBI, DoJ, CIA, U.S. Congress, White House, DHS, military leadership, state agencies, and others throughout the United States.

A few of these hostile jihadi organizations include:

USCMO (U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations): an umbrella organization comprised of many of the most powerful Muslim Brotherhood organizations in America.

Muslim Students Association (MSA): the first national Muslim Brotherhood organization created in 1963 at the University of Illinois, Urbana. Today, MSA chapters are on every major college and university campus across the United States, as well as many smaller and private schools as well, and now in some high schools. MSA’s primary purposes include dawah (calling people to Islam), disinformation, and recruiting for jihad.

ISNA (Islamic Society of North America): created out of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim Students Association (MSA) in the early 1980’s as the “new” national MB organization to drive their Movement forward. Identified in the largest terrorism financing trial ever successfully prosecuted in American history as a Muslim Brotherhood organization which funds the designated Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas.

CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations): created in 1994 by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee which is the name of the Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas in the United States. For specific details that CAIR is Hamas click HERE.

MAS (Muslim American Society): MAS was created in the early 1990’s by 3 of the most prominent Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the U.S. – including the MB leader for the entire United States Ahmed Elkadi. MAS was identified as a Muslim Brotherhood entity in court filings in the US v Sabri Benkahla case in the Eastern District of Virginia, and MB/Al Qaeda operative Abdurahman Alamoudi stated in open court, “Everyone knows that MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood.”

ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America): ICNA partnered with MAS in 2000 and they jointly published a “Tarbiya”/training guide in English in the United States which commands muslims to “wage war” against non-muslims to impose sharia on the earth. ICNA’s primary role is propaganda and dawah for the jihadi Movement.

Emgage: Emgage is another prominent Islamic organization whose founders are Hamas leaders and who have grown quickly in prominence.

AMP (American Muslims for Palestine): another Hamas organizations working on college campuses, and at the national level with key Muslim Brotherhood organizations.

Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC): MPAC primarily works in Hollywood to ensure all films made are friendly towards Islam, and in Washington, D.C. to ensure nothing negative is said about Islam. MPAC was formed out of the Islamic Center of Southern California, founded by Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leaders the Hathout brothers.

Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA): MLFA works with senior U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leaders and has built an army of muslim attorneys, and non-muslim collaborator attorneys, who legally attack any efforts to slow down the Islamic Movement’s efforts.

Muslim Advocates: Like Hamas dba CAIR, this Muslim Brotherhood group claims to be a “civil rights organization,” yet it regurgitates Islamic Movement narratives and advances sharia and the Islamic Movement under the cover of equal rights for muslims.

Hamas/Emgage Board Member Farooq Mitha was the National Islamic Advisor for Joe Biden
ISNA President Mohamed Magid receives the “FBI Director’s Award” from James Comey

There are a number of other organizations, but this should suffice to help readers understand the breadth of the Islamic Movement. Do not be fooled by the nice attire worn by these jihadis. They operate in the realm of deception and are no less dangerous than Al Qaeda fighters on the battlefield.

In America, there are dozens of chapters of each of the abovementioned organizations, over 800 MSA chapters on U.S. campuses, over 350 Islamic Societies, and a large portion of the 3500 Islamic centers/mosques in America working daily to fulfill their stated mission to overthrow all un-Islamic governments.

The leaders of these organizations are welcomed inside the White House, FBI, CIA, DHS, State Department, congressional staffs, and military bases across the United States.

Every year Hamas dba CAIR hosts “Muslim Day” in state capitals around America.

Leaders of ISNA lead programs for Jewish leaders to Nazi concentration camps overseas to bond with them because, according to the jihadis from ISNA, they want Jewish support to prevent the kind of “persecution” the Jews faced by the Germans.

Anyone who is in a position of authority in the U.S. or state government who supports any of these organizations and/or their leaders, is in violation of his/her Oath of Office and aiding and abetting enemies of America.

Keep all of this in mind when these organizations put out press releases condemning the attack on the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas.

32 Responses

  1. Outstanding! Thank you. People need to understand that the “stealth jihad”, or “civilizational jihad”, as the Muslim Brotherhood puts it, is ultimately more important than overt terrorism.

  2. With such blatant evidence if this Islamic threat to our nation, why are we not doing something to stop them?

    1. We at UTT ARE doing something. We are teaching and training citizens how to identify the hostile networks and hostile leaders in their communities, show them how to reach out to friendly law enforcement and others in the community if possible, how to flush the bad guys out of the community, and how to re-establish the republican form of government at the county level. Get trained via our INTO ACTION program and join us!

      1. Have you thought about calling and working with former Sheriff Mack and other loyal to the U.S. Constitution sheriff’s? In my opinion, they can strongly aid UTT. John I recommend that you contact them and get them on board. Or do you want to be a lone ranger Mr. John Guandolo?

        Bradlee Dean Interviews former Sheriff Richard Mack –
        18:41 min. – Richard Mack


      2. Jim reminds me of plants in the audience at a Russian auction, and you’re the auctioneer. Your response to Jim is too vague. Send me a sample of your INTO ACTION program, and I’ll evaluate its merits – you have my email.

  3. Given Islam’s penetration into America’s political realm in Washington, DC and in every State, City, and County of America, American’s will someday in the future, support Sharia law in America.

    1. Patrick, what are some of your solutions to your statements? I’m curious, and I suppose many US citizens are. Will your solutions start globally and work their way back to your statements, or, start with your statements, and work their way globally – a kind of synthesis solution.

  4. It’s community outreach! We have to hold hands and close our eyes, so the next Darrell Brooks can be appreciated because of the white privilege! Oh but 1/6 was worse than 9/11! 1/6’s worse than Pearl Harbor! Worse than Benghazi! Just take the experimental gene altering shots and the cloth masks will stop bullets.

    1. Rob? You sound like an AI generation. Please explain your statements more fully, and prove you are not a ‘robot’.

  5. “Add this to the ever-expanding list of crimes the Biden regime must be held accountable for.”

    WHOOPS: Government Contractor Spills The Beans as to Why Biden is Hiding Illegal Immigrant Flights in The Dead Of Night: “If This Gets Out, the Government is BETRAYING The American People”

    By Julian Conradson
    Published January 27, 2022


    1. US Congresswoman Claudia Tenney Calls for Biden’s Impeachment Due to Secret Flights of Illegal Aliens from Southern Border to Northeast

      By Joe Hoft
      Published January 28, 2022

      Comments: “This is way beyond the pale. This is complete disregard for law. This is chaos.”
      “It’s not just disregarding the law. It’s providing logisitical, transportation and financial aid to massive amounts of criminal activity with taxpayer funds.” “SEDITION.”


  6. The international terror group aka ( the great reset , agenda 2030, you will own nothing ) is a direct threat to the United States of America. Notify your law enforcement local and political parties that this will not stand.

    1. I’m curious SD: what do you mean by this will not stand? This type of statement implies action. Either on your part or, incitement to action on another’s part. Please explain.

      1. What I mean by this will not stand is Americans love the country and love the constitution. They will by peaceful means restore our great nation. Your question to me implies I’m a terrorist or something- well I assure you that isn’t the case. I however will tell you this nation is in peril if you think we can ignore the constitution.

  7. The international terror group aka ( the great reset , agenda 2030, you will own nothing ) is a direct threat to the United States of America. Notify your law enforcement local and political parties that this will not stand.
    They work hand in hand with assets and to try to raise hatred towards groups – the great reset terror group has tentacles deep into this country ALERT 🚨

  8. No offense: you two are not offering solutions. Solutions require work. I hope you understand. And Understanding the Threat is not the only “solution”.

  9. Subset: seize all assets of the terror group aka the great reset stabilize our treasury- rid the federal reserve- I have over 500 pages to defeat the communists- have a nice day

  10. So you know action has been taken lawsuits filed, investigations sought by the international criminal court , have written every state attorney general about violations of the constitution. These are peaceful and within our rights violence is not workable. But everyone should stand up for their rights ! Call, write , protest , support those whom are protesting. Lift others up if they need help ! This I have done since the onset of this attack on the USA 🇺🇸.

  11. It will go kinetic. It always does. Street protests. Letters to government leaders. “Legal action”. Posturing and hand-wringing will not defeat political Islam. Local authorities are NOT informed. I have not met a local LEO who knows anything beyond his jurisdiction. City and County Mayors are blissfully ignorant.

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